Saturday, July 12, 2008

Chocolate Dipped Coconut Banana Mac Nut Balls ---- PHEW that's long! (and dinner, July 12)

OK - I feel like this is good enough to post. These are somewhat approximate measurements but the goal is to come out with a dough that will hold together around the mac nut. Served with some coconut strips (purchased prepared from Guinea Grass Farms at the Hilo FM) that I dipped in some melted Shark's chocolate.

3/4 C coconut flour (BI from Island Harvest)
2 eggs (BI - finally!)
2-3 bananas (BI)
1 t vanilla (BI from Hawaiian Vanilla Company)
dash salt (BI)
about a dozen mac nuts (BI from Shark's)
Coconut oil for frying (BI from Island Harvest)

Process all ingredients but mac nuts and oil in a food processor. Form a bit of dough around the mac nut (the thickness was close to 1/4 inch around the nut) and fry in coconut oil. After they cooled, I dipped half of the cookie in Shark's chocolate. In addition to selling at the Hilo Farmer's Market, Shark just opened a cute little store in downtown Hilo right off the bayfront on Waianuenue.

These ended up serving as our dinner tonight along with some sweet potato chips that I'm working on perfecting. Not terribly healthy, but oh so good :)

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